Room 369

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I Need Home For a Rest

I miss that town, I miss the faces.
You can't erase, you can't repalce it.
I miss it now, I can't believe it.
So hard to stay, too hard to leave it.
--Nickelback, "Photograph"

Well, it's been a busy few weeks for us here...Annie and I had two of our best friends from Edmonton come for a visit two weeks ago, and now two of her friends from Montreal are here for the weekend. It's nice having people from Canada come to visit, since it reminds me of all the things I love about home. Even Annie's Quebecois friends are making me miss home, but more in an "I-miss-all-things-Canadian" way than when Scott and Jen were here, which was an "I-miss-Edmonton" kind of thing. Home (at least for me) is a funny thing when you think about it...Edmonton is a city of less than a million people in the middle of absolutely nowhere, where it's so cold in the winter that you will likely die if you stay outside for an hour, where there is none of the bustle or atmosphere or history of other places I've lived, but the longer I'm away the more I realize that I want to eventually end up back there.

I know a lot of the reason why I want to eventually move back is because my family and friends are there (except for my little sister who will hopefully one day stop being crazy and move back from Toronto), and because I grew up there. And as Annie put it, "your mom would totally love to be our free daycare service!" This is definitely true. But there are other reasons too...I like the relative isolation of the city, for one thing. I think it's great that you can drive for 20 minutes and be in the middle of nature, even if "nature" is densely populated with cattle. I like the small size of the population...there's no traffic, no crowds (except for WEM on Boxing Day), and you can buy more than a 500 sq ft condo with your $400,000 25-year mortgage. And when the Americans invade Canada because of our covert nucelar weapons program, you KNOW that Alberta is the place they'll shock-and-awe the least because that's where the oil is!

Yup, Edmonton is always going to be home...all the other places I've lived are great for their own reasons, and it would certianly be easier for me to find a job in Ottawa or Vancouver or Toronto (hahahah, oh wait, no, I'm never gonna live in Toronto!). But you can't see the northern lights in Ottawa and you can't learn to skate on a pond in Vancouver, and those are both things that I want my as-yet-to-exist children to experience.

PS: damn I can't believe I had to use Nickelback lyrics for this post...

The government, they promised me a measly little sum,
But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum.
Then I thought "who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone?"
I'm gonna be a pirate on the river Saskatchewan!

--Captain Tractor, "Pirates of Saskatchewan"


  • What do you mean? Toronto is AWESOME. Everday a few people shoot each other, the smog is slowly killing us, hordes of people make everything you do totally annoying,everything is really expensive and -- AND -- sometimes the garbage men go on strike, leaving the city to wallow in its own waste. What's not to love?!

    For the record, I didn't choose Toronto. If I had it my way, I'd like to be in Edmonton, but Edmonton just doesn't have the opportunities. It's the whole wheat ceiling. I think Canada doesn't really have the opportunities. I don't know. What was I talking about?

    Holey shit, you want kids!? ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 a.m.  

  • Hey there, Edmonton is no slouch on the murder front I think we had 39 last year, only half of Toronto but we have way less than half the population so... Anyways thanks again for the visit Des we had a great time and can't wait for you and Annie to come back "Home" for a visit.

    By Blogger Will, at 8:30 a.m.  

  • Yeah, I agree that Alberta doesn't have a lot of opportunities for people that don't love wading around in oil sands. But Alberta DOES have a lot of money, so I think it's a relatively good time to make your own opportunities there. You could start your own paper, and I could open up my own travelling cure-for-cancer-wagon! It'll visit small towns throughout the province, distributing 100%-guaranteed cures for the low, low price of only $199.99!

    Disclaimer: cure-for-cancer-wagon does not actually provide a cure for cancer or anything else, nor is it actually a wagon. Prices subject to change without notice, but always in an upwards direction.

    By Blogger Dexter, at 10:08 a.m.  

  • Damn, 39 murders??? But how many of those were prostitutes? Do they even count in the statistics?

    Someone got shot next to MIT a couple of weeks ago...he was sitting in his car at 3:00am so he was probably a prostitute too.

    Hey I can see the garbage man outside the building...I think he's also a prostitute.

    By Blogger Dexter, at 10:10 a.m.  

  • Screw Edmonton! I'm going to buy this sweet little pad and make it my home:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:41 p.m.  

  • Wow if you buy that could I like put in an underground Ultimate Field? I mean that way no matter what happens to the world be it nuclear weapons or disease Ulti will survive.

    By Blogger Will, at 9:57 p.m.  

  • "Quiet, secluded property for sale in up-and-coming Pacific Northwest suburb. No pests, no noise, never reported a break-in. Some work needed, including light landscaping and remodeling. Buy now before the neighbourhood really takes off!"

    Future owner assumes responsibility for removing all hazardous materials, including rusty nails, leftover paint, and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

    By Blogger Dexter, at 4:17 p.m.  

  • What really kills me is that it's going for $200,000 and I can't buy a shitty 1 bdrm condo for that much in Toronto. I can't even get a place with a dishwasher for that! But I could get my own missile pad.

    The world is messed up.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:09 p.m.  

  • oops, that last one was me. Technology is hard.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:10 p.m.  

  • Yeah, and your T-dot condo couldn't even be used to launch a nuclear strike on your noisy neighbours!

    By Blogger Dexter, at 9:31 a.m.  

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